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At Lotus Birth & BodyWorks we strive to support individuals and families through all pregnancy outcomes. We provide care that is compassionate, culturally competent, and inclusive of all. We aim to provide our services to all regardless of barriers.

Welcome to Lotus Birth & BodyWorks
Thank you for considering us for your doula services! We at Lotus Birth & BodyWorks want to provide supportive and inclusive care to all! We seek to provide care that it is culturally competent, compassionate, holistic and tailored to our clients' needs. We believe that anyone and everyone who wants a doula, deserves one; and we seek to fill that gap and void, where equity may not exist. We hope to support you and your family and aid you in maintaining your consent and autonomy. While providing respect at all times.

Interested in our services? Curious about what a doula is and what we do? Contact us!
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